PDF Application Guide
INSL-XMD Water Based Pool Paint is a water-based acrylic emulsion that can be applied over most existing pool paints in good condition.
It can also be used on bare concrete, white plaster (marcite) and g/unite surfaces, as well as any other masonry surface in good condition.
Noticed :Any paint applied to a pool in poor condition will deteriorate prematurely.
Therefore, INSL-XMD recommends that you use the services of a licensed pool painting contractor if the surface shows signs of deterioration, such as flaking or loose particles of white plaster, g/unite or concrete.
This product is not recommended on metal, fiberglass or vinyl. If you use INSL-X® Water-Based Pool Paint, you must use this same coating system for all future paint refreshes.
Important :Before using this product, follow all directions in this brochure and on the label or premature paint failure may occur.
Avoid painting in direct sunlight. Painting a very hot surface will cause blistering due to rapid evaporation of the solvents in the paint.
For best results, apply the paint when the rays are very low, following the path of the sun around the pool, and in the shade as much as possible.
According to most experts, the best time to paint is very early in the morning, at sunrise, when the rays are least intense and the shade is at its maximum.
The ideal application temperature is between 10°C and 32°C (50-90°F). Avoid painting if rain is expected within four to six hours of application.
Rain and excessive humidity will extend the drying time and curing time required before filling the pool.
Avoid using muriatic acid on painted surfaces. INSL-X® Etching Solution or muriatic acid should be used only on bare masonry to allow it to be slightly roughened prior to painting.
Properly prepare painted surfaces.
Glossy or previously epoxy coated surfaces should be completely sanded with 80 grit sandpaper to promote paint adhesion.
Remove sanding dust with clean, damp cloths. To obtain satisfactory results on this type of surface, it is recommended to carry out a test to ensure the adhesion of the product before applying the paint. Allow the paint to harden before filling the pool.
Use fans or a forced-air ventilation system to dry the paint. Under good drying conditions (70°F [21°C] and 50% relative humidity), wait at least
seven days of good weather before filling an outdoor pool.
For each day of rain, add one more day to the seven basic days. For indoor pools, allow two weeks due to
reduced ventilation and air circulation inherent in these types of surfaces.
Fill all imperfections - cracks, holes and hollows - with a suitable filler, then acid-etch according to the manufacturer's instructions.
The pool surface must be clean and free of oil, grease, wax, dust, dirt, mildew, suntan lotion and other contaminants prior to paint application.
New or unpainted concrete swimming pools:
You must wait 60 days after the construction of the pool to ensure the concrete has completely hardened.
Clean, bare concrete surfaces should be etched with INSL-XMD Etchant or with a 10% hydrochloric acid solution. (Pour 3.79 L of 20% hydrochloric acid to make a solution
at 10%.
Note and Warning:Always pour acid into water to dilute the solution, NEVER THE OTHER WAY AROUND.)
Etching requires the wearing of adequate protective equipment: gloves, safety glasses, protective mask against fumes, long sleeves, long pants and non-slip shoes.
Using a plastic watering can, pour the acid solution as evenly as possible. Its action on the surface will cause bubbles to form (effervescence).
When there are no more bubbles, usually after 10 to 15 minutes, thoroughly flush the surface with clean water to remove all acid residue.
Always apply the solution to small sections at a time to prevent the acid from drying on the surface.
A properly prepared surface should have the texture of fine grit sandpaper.
The pool should dry for at least 24 hours after cleaning, but may be slightly damp when painting.
(A surface is wet when there is no accumulation of water in the palm of the hand after pressing on the surface of the pool.)
Previously Painted Concrete Pools: Surface must be free of oil, grease, wax, dust, dirt, mildew, suntan lotion and other contaminants prior to paint application.
Sandblast loose, peeling or flaking paint and severely deteriorated surfaces to remove all previous coating and properly prepare the surface.
Fill all holes, cracks, breaks or hollows with a suitable patching compound. Most patching products are available at pool supply stores.
Wash surfaces with INSL-XMD Citrus All-Purpose Cleaner, paying particular attention to the waterline (2 feet from the top of the pool) and steps to be painted.
This is where most oil residue and other contaminants, like sunscreen and dirt, tend to accumulate.
Using a pressure washer is very convenient, but it is essential to scrub the perimeter of the waterline and the steps to properly prepare the surfaces to be painted.
To avoid damaging the pool, set the unit to low pressure and then rinse thoroughly after cleaning. All glossy surfaces should be sanded to promote adhesion of the new
Swimming pools covered with water-diluted cement-type paint must be sandblasted.
To ensure uniformity of paint composition and color, pour almost all of the pool paint into a clean, empty bucket.
Stir what remains in the bottom of the container, and while stirring, empty the paint poured into the bucket into its original container.
If possible, mix the contents of all paint containers used to ensure uniformity of color.
Apply by brush, roller or sprayer. If applying by roller, use a lambswool sleeve 9.5 mm (3/8 in) thick or less.
Do not use a long-nap roller to avoid problems with chalking or blistering, or applying too thick a coat of paint.
Two thin coats are preferable to one thick coat to avoid premature deterioration of the paint.
Apply one coat of pool paint diluted with 473 ml of clean water per 3.79 L of paint and let dry for 4 to 6 hours.
Apply the second coat undiluted, respecting the recommended spreading rate as closely as possible.
Applying too thick a coat or too many coats can cause the paint to blister.
Let the last coat of paint harden
for at least seven days before filling the pool.
To obtain a non-slip surface, if necessary, scatter a suitable non-slip granulate by hand on the wet film of paint, then roll it back in well.
Clean all equipment promptly after use with warm, soapy water.
Dilute paint at least 10-15% by volume with clean water. Always stir and mix all containers used to ensure color uniformity.
Traditional sprayer:50-90 psi. 765 air cap and E nozzle.
Airless sprayer:2,000-2,500 psi. Nozzle size: 0.013 - 0.017.
Under normal conditions, the average spread rate is 23.2-27.9 m2 (250-300 ft2) per 3.79 L.
Losses incurred during application and mixing vary depending on the project, but should be considered when estimating project requirements.
The following table gives the approximate amount of paint required to apply two coats at the recommended spreading rate.
Pool Dimensions 3.79 L Containers Required
3.7 x 7.3 m (12 x 24 ft) 4
4.6 x 9.2 m (15 x 30 ft) 6
6.1 x 12.2 m (20 x 40 ft) 9
7.6 x 13.7 m (25 x 45 ft) 13
7.6 x 30.5 m (25 x 100 ft) 27
9.2 x 18.3 m (30 x 60 ft) 20
12.2 x 30.5 m (40 x 100 ft) 38
Clean exposed skin and application tools as soon as possible after application with lukewarm soapy water.
INSL-XMD pool paints are the subject of constant research and improvement. We make continuous efforts to enhance the performance of our products and extend their life.
useful life, and we strive to design new products for new applications.
INSL-XMD coatings are among the best on the market. When we distribute our pool paints, we are not responsible for the way the product is applied or any other conditions that may affect the results obtained.
However, in order to avoid possible problems, we recommend that you follow these instructions as carefully as possible. The warranty on INSL-XMD products is strictly limited to the replacement of a product that proves to be defective at the time of application.
{Available colors}
Red WR-1002
White WR-1010
Aquamarine WR-1019
Satin Black WR-1020
Ocean Blue WR-1023
Royal Blue WR-1024